Single Point PerspectiveGraph Paper Preview

Single Point Perspective Graph Paper PDF Generator

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Grid Line Weight:
Horizontal points

Perspective points
Grid Spacing:
Perspective Lines:
Horizontal Convergence:
0.0 is far left ... 0.5 is center ... 1.0 is far right
Vertical Convergence:
0.0 is on the page ... 1.0 is far off the page
Hex #
Background Color:
Hex #
8.5" x 11"
8.5" x 11" A4 11" x 17" A3

Usage Notes

Vertical Convergence is a number from 0 (top of the usable section of the page) to 1, which is set to three times the height of the usable section of the page, and creates nearly parallel lines.

Number of Perspective Lines, is the number of lines that are calculated. Depending on your setting - not all of them may be drawn. If you want more lines... just bump up the number a bit. This is not an absolute.

Depending on the settings, there may be blank areas near the corners of the document. This is because the number of lines that would be required to fill this area would get out-of-hand.

Pregenerated Files